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My Story

I am a catalyst for change. My personal purpose is to help people improve the quality of their lives. In living out my personal purpose I have experienced working with people from all walks of life. Secularly as CEO of Pride In Action Community Services, I developed various grass-roots programs to address the issues produced by lack of education, poverty and crime. Spiritually, emphasis is placed on identity; purpose and prayer encouraging a more holistic approach to life. My years of experience have afforded me diverse teaching and preaching opportunities that demanded flexibility. I enjoy teaching in a multi-cultural environment designed to help people improve the quality of their lives spiritually, personally and economically. I can effectively follow themes and topics motivating and mobilizing group and individual participation. I believe great reward is achieved through the impact of personal application which results in positive life outcomes.

PhD             1993 – 1997
Pastor         1998 – 2020
Pride In Action Community Services, Inc. 1994 – Present
Consultant   2004 –  Present


Dr. Diane Clark, a former host for TBN – Jacksonville, FL is an apostolic leader, author, teacher, and trainer dedicated to empowering the harvest!  Driven by a desire to see individuals maximizing their potential, she believes that we all have a daily invitation to greatness. Therefore, she has dedicated her life to impacting the world with present truth through education, training and reigning.

Diane’s educational background includes both secular and theological studies.  She earned a Doctorate in Christian Psychology from Jacksonville Theological Seminary (JTS).  She utilizes her educational expertise to assist with creating and developing programs and curriculum for other colleges and seminaries; she served as a Professor for Truth Bible College and is a satellite director for JTS.  Diane is committed to minister to all souls regardless of race, nationality, or age.  She further endeavors to impact present and future generations through the ministries of reconciliation, restoration, and the transformation of the mind and spirit as prescribed by the Holy Scriptures. 

Dr. Clark is the founder of Kingdom Life Ministries International, Inc., answering the call of God in 1977; she has ministered and traveled in Europe, The Bahamas, The Virgin Islands, Japan, China, Philippines and the United States; which has afforded her the opportunity to minister in diverse venues enhancing her versatility in ministry.  Her unique teaching style and powerful prophetic ministry has blessed thousands with emphasis on equipping and activating believers into full body ministry as sons of God.  Her obedience to minister the compassion of Christ brings many to wholeness and maturity.

As an author, she has authored several books. Species”, The Prophetic In You”“Influence of Godly Women”Foreword – Dr. Myles Munroe, “Pursuing God’s Best”, “Sharpening The Prophetic In You”Foreword – Dr. Mark Chironna  “Women Moving In The Right Direction – Navigating Your Way To Success”, FOREWARD – Dr. Vernette Rosier and her forthcoming books, pamphlets and reading materials comprising tools to assist the global Body of Christ in recognizing their apposite role in a contemporary society.  She is also the founder and host for Wisdom for Winning, a popular community-based talk show that serves the Greater Jacksonville area and the surrounding counties. 

In addition to her many spiritual attributes, she ministers in the Marketplace as founder of Pride in Action Community Services, Inc., a nonprofit organization designed to help people improve the quality of their lives.  PIA provides a link to the community for available Social Services, recreational activities and business development.

Dr. Clark has immensely practical yet deeply spiritual insight into the mind of God, which crosses societal and economic barriers. With compassion, wisdom, and refreshing revelation, she shares with us the heartbeat of God through:

  • Relevant knowledge through a clear understanding of The Word of God;
  • Freedom and release from the shackles of bondage, sin, addictions, disease
  • Prepare people for an abundant walk and life in the boldness of Sons of God.